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Professor Andy Hargreaves will be leading this EduKIT. He toured the UK talking about his new book, The Age of Identity. If you did not have the chance to see him in person, this would be a great session to attend and be able to ask your questions.
We are living in a time when identity is all the rage – literally as well as figuratively. How do we recognize and include all young people’s identities and honestly address the injustices and exclusions that many young people and their families face without getting drawn into culture wars? How can we do the right thing without fear of saying or doing the wrong thing?
Andy will introduce his controversial new book with Dennis Shirley on The Age of Identity. It affirms that identity is an issue for everyone, not just for “the others”. We should help young people develop positive senses of self and identity from the earliest years of school, guide them through their different stages and life passages, reach out across the generations, and build bridges rather than put up walls between different identity groups.
But if we’re not careful, we’ll fall into a massive identity trap. What we need is leadership that is courageous, and yet collective and close to the action rather than heroic and remote. We need Leadership from the Middle, as Andy’s other new book says, not mandates from the top.
Andy Hargreaves is Visiting Professor at the University of Ottawa, Research Professor at Boston College in the US, and Honorary Professor at Swansea University. He is an elected member of the US National Academy of Education, former President of the International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement (2018-2020), adviser to the First Minister of Scotland & former Adviser to the Premier of Ontario.
Andy is Canada’s 2023 Professor of the Year. He has published 35 books and has 8 Outstanding Writing Awards. An exceptional keynote speaker and workshop leader, he has delivered invited addresses in more than 50 countries. He has been honoured in the UK, Canada, and the US for services to public education and educational research and is ranked by Education Week as the #16 scholar with the most influence on the US education policy debate.
The AoEA Education Keeping in Touch meetings (EduKITs) are for our members to listen to guest speakers, share knowledge and best practice whilst also providing a forum for peer discussion & support. They occur fortnightly at 5.30pm Thursdays during term time. Reserve your place now. Look forward to seeing you there.
Click here to book your place via Eventbrite.