- +44 (0)191 820 3114
- info@aoea.co.uk
This course follows on from Effective Leadership of Curriculum and Assessment, which you can attend on either the 21st September, 22nd February or 9th May. It is intended for both primary and secondary headteachers, senior and middle leaders who want to ensure that all pupils benefit from a good quality of education and optimise their learning and outcomes. It is also intended for those who advise on curriculum; education advisers, MAT CEOs.
What will I learn from this course?
What do schools gain from ‘learning walks and lesson observations linked to grades of teachers and labelling’? Do these consistently lead to an improving quality of teaching and assessment? There is little evidence to suggest that this model of quality assurance has a positive impact on pupils’ learning and outcomes.
Moving away from a ‘tick box’ judgemental mindset, we gather valid and reliable evidence on pupils’ learning. How we optimise our pupils’ progress and outcomes is more important now, than ever, in view of the legacy of sickness absences and the gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills
PPR lies at the heart of the school’s educational provision. It establishes a culture of intrinsic motivation and professional development for staff through instructional coaching.
How will we arrive at this?
A practical handbook with templates and case studies accompanies the course, including a PPR template for advisers and school leaders. Interactive sessions are supported through group work.
We refer to school case studies with live contributions from both primary and secondary leaders that illustrate how an instructional coaching model for staff can facilitate continuous professional development and result in a positive impact on pupils’ learning. In addition, we focus on supporting those pupils not achieving their potential, as these are identified and supported through this process.
Who is leading this course?
The course leader is Meena Kumari Wood, author of the popular ‘Secondary Curriculum Transformed; Enabling All to Achieve’ (Wood and Haddon, Routledge 2021). The book has led to a series of training webinars in UK, Northern Ireland, Dubai and India and features on the core reading list for the MEd in Educational Leadership (University of Birmingham). She also publishes articles for SchoolsWeek and Teach Secondary and is a key note speaker at Edu-Conferences.
Meena Wood was a former HMI Ofsted, Local Authority Adviser, Principal of an Adult College and Principal of a Secondary Academy and is now Honorary Fellow of Education Leadership Academy (University of Birmingham) and KHDA inspector (Emirates).
Meena is a widely experienced International Educational Consultant and Trainer. In the UK she works with academies and MATs, including Alternative Provision providers, with reviews of curriculum and assessment; the quality of education, peer reviews, instructional coaching, inspection and governance. In addition, she supports British and International Schools in the Middle East (Dubai).
Pre-course reading
A copy of the book ‘Secondary Curriculum Transformed’ is provided as part of the course materials prior to the workshop. It is highly recommended that course participants are familiar with it, as we refer to appendices and models within the book. The relevant parts will be signposted for participants before the course.
Book your place on Eventbrite here.