Leading in a World of Uncertainty: Engagement, Wellbeing and Collaboration – Professor Andy Hargreaves.
Professor Andy Hargreaves is the director of CHENINE at the University of Ottawa.
We live in a world of profound uncertainty. Pandemics, wars, racism, xenophobia, environmental devastation, and attacks on the very foundations of democracy are all around us. They are reshaping our work as leaders of adults and children alike. How should we, as leaders and advisers of leaders, respond? How do we help young people and adult educators feel empowered and engaged in response to these global upheavals? How do we put the arts, social science, and quality of life back at the centre of learning rather than leaving them out on the periphery beyond performance numbers in literacy and numeracy? How can we attend to the wellbeing of all those we lead in ways that involve more than treating initiatives in mindfulness, resilience, or growth mindsets as a kind of carbon offset for unchanged curriculum and testing systems that are making everyone ill? And how can we make leadership, decision-making and systems more agile and more collaborative so they will endure and even prosper in a world characterized by endless disruption?
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