Angharad Roberts
Angharad currently has strategic leadership responsibility as Director of Bilingual Development, Learning Resources and Skills in one of Wales’ largest FE college groups. Has experience in a number of leadership and management roles within FE developing whole college approaches to offering learners a bilingual education, creating a culture of inclusivity and equality. Experience in developing innovative and effective hybrid teaching standards and principles. Is a governor at a local secondary school which has faced leadership challenges and a member of the Board of Siop Griffiths Cyf, a local community hub which serves the community in a number of ways. Estyn Peer Inspector and has experience in a range of examining and assessment roles with WJEC. A member of the Board of Directors for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, the national organisation that has responsibility over the Welsh language in post 16 education across Wales.
Is fluent in the Welsh language having been brought up in a Welsh speaking home and received nearly all of her education in Welsh, including at degree and masters level. A member of the National Welsh Language Council, an advisory panel to Welsh Government Minister for Education and the Welsh Language.
Angharad recently joined the AoEA as a Consultant and Assessor for Welsh medium applications assessing applications and facilitating professional dialogues through the medium of Welsh.