Rachael Saim


England – South West

Phase of Education


Key Area of Mastery

Change Management, Critical Evaluation of Behaviour & Attitudes, Critical Evaluation of Curricular Provision, Critical Evaluation of Leadership and Management, Critical Evaluation of Pastoral Provision, Organisational Development, Quality Systems
About Rachael Saim

Rachael Saim (NPQH/ NPQEL/AOEA) is a proven and inspiring school leader with significant school based skills and experience to offer. Rachael was formerly a Principal in a large primary academy in West London and is now the Executive Head for the Cedar Tree Federation in Devon. All three schools have attained Good / Outstanding Ofsted judgments in 2023.

Rachael can offer school level support, advice and guidance on:

 Ofsted preparation (for Governors and school staff)
 Rapid turnaround from Requires Improvement to Good/Outstanding
 Strategic School Improvement, writing SIPs and SEFs and aligning to CPD
 Senior/ Middle leader/ Subject Leader coaching, mentoring and development
 Headteacher advice support (strategic management of schools)
 Accurate adaptive teaching provision for SEND/SEMH, PP, EAL or More Able and
disadvantaged learners
 Wraparound Care (Breakfast/ After School & Holiday Club provision)
 Nursery (2/3 year old provision) & EYFS Leadership

Want to contact Rachael Saim? Fill in and send the form below.

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