- +44 (0)191 820 3114
- info@aoea.co.uk
As advisers we strive to support improvement in a range of contexts with each individual institution offering us a unique challenge. How can we then, as advisers, judge our own contribution? During this session you will have opportunity to reflect on this critical question and spend time working with the AoEA efficacy model and how it can be used to help us determine just how effective we are.
Tom has been a member of the AoEA development team since its inception. He has extensive experience of school and system improvement and inspection. He worked as a senior HMI (Her Majesty’s Inspector) with Ofsted within the North-East Yorkshire and Humberside senior leadership team. Amongst a range of responsibilities Tom had direct accountability for managing and deploying the regional team of HMI and additional inspectors to deliver inspections in the region. He has consistently led some of the most high-profile section 5 and section 8 inspections in several parts of England and gained extensive expertise in working with maintained schools and academies in Ofsted categories of concern. Prior to joining HMI, Tom was a headteacher in two schools covering a twelve-year period and held senior positions in local authority school improvement teams including as head of service. He is deputy chair of a large Multi-academy trust in Northern England, a trustee of a local special school academy and a member of a trust on Teesside. He is founder/director of his own consultancy company.
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