Ray Steele
In 12 years as an independent consultant, Ray has advised on supporting school performance as a SIP, changing school governance to Foundation and Academy status, managing school closure, organising Principal and CEO appointment processes. He has written new school proposals and lead on project management to implement. Recently he has worked on proposals to establish Multi Academy Trusts, merge Multi Academy Trusts (including due diligence) and the review of MAT governance.
Ray has been a member of the AOEA development group since its inception, alongside a successful role as an Education consultant. The AOEA role has seen his involvement in the development of the core criteria and the accreditation structure at Associate and Senior level. He has contributed to training delivery, the Annual Summit and accreditation at all levels, and has a particular interest in quality assurance.
Membership of the Development group means that Ray is involved in all decisions on the future direction of the AOEA including new accreditation and training programmes, the move to on-line delivery and quality assurance of all our work. He is actively involved in the Associate accreditation programme; assessing applications, taking part in Professional Discussions and assessing final Portfolios. Ray leads on the Change Management element of the Senior Associate programme and training delivery in this area.