Senior Associate

The Senior Associate programme builds on Associate accreditation.

What are we looking for in a Senior Associate?

Senior accreditation is the second level of accreditation. The following focusses on gaining accreditation as a senior associate member. A senior associate requires sophisticated knowledge and skills to address system-wide and deep-rooted issues in groups of schools or organisations. This will require evidence of knowledge and expertise in the areas of change management, organisational development and quality systems.

Senior Associate Criteria

Three core criteria will underpin the Senior Associate assessment: organisational development, change management and quality systems.

Advisers need to bring a proactive and reactive approach to organisational development.

The role of the organisational development adviser is to support the individual and the organisation in understanding their need and capacity to develop within a world that is forever changing. Organisational development is a planned, systemic approach to improving organisational effectiveness – one that aligns strategy, people and processes. This examines how to achieve the desired goals of high performance and competitive advantage through the involvement of people.

Advisers need to bring a proactive and reactive approach to organisational change.

Change can be viewed as an external threat and an opportunity. An organisation may also have strengths and weaknesses regarding its capacity to respond to change. The role of the change adviser is to support the individual and the organisational capacity to cope with the drivers which promote change. Change management is a key leadership challenge.

Systems leaders will need support from expert advisers in ensuring that their systems are fit for purpose, and continuously improved through carefully managed modifications, responding to continuous feedback.

This programme focuses on quality management support, as well as systems leadership development. We expect the Senior Associate to have high level skills and knowledge of how organisations are transformed. New techniques and tools will be introduced during the programme

The Application & Assessment Process


Submit Senior Associate self-assessment form to begin application. Form is reviewed to ensure you meet the criteria and have the necessary experience to be successful at Senior Associate level.


Invite to attend a full day professional learning seminar (face to face or online) where we introduce the Senior Associate accreditation criteria in more detail


The final stage is to create a scripted presentation based on the senior associate criteria which you present to and discuss with our assessment panel at your viva.

Senior Associate Accreditation

Upon successful completion, become a fully accredited AoEA Senior Associate. Continued access to our Member Hub, option to join the Register of Accredited Associates and member benefits for an additional year.

  • Application Fee £250
  • Professional Learning Fee £1000
  • Total £1250

If you are a large authority or group that would like to put your team through associate accreditation. We can provide bespoke development programmes to support you. Get in touch with one of our team here.

Any Questions?

Not ready to become an Associate yet, we can answer your questions.


Are you interested in finding out more about our Associate Accreditation.