Clara Seery
Clara is the Managing Director of the Central South Consortium, joining the Consortium in March 2020. Clara started her career as a Science teacher and worked in a range of roles in Secondary Schools in North London and Essex. She joined Enfield LA in 2002 as a Science Consultant supporting the development of the Science strand of the National Strategy. She was also the science lead for the National Strategy Minority Ethnic Achievement Project (MEAP) and was instrumental in Enfield becoming a National Strategy MEAP hub in 2013.
She held a variety of leadership roles within Enfield, most recently as Head of The School and Early Years Improvement Service, bringing the Early Years and School Improvement services together into one integrated birth to nineteen service. In 2018 Clara took over the line management of SEND services across Enfield, enabling her to develop meaningful partnerships across School and Early Years improvement and SEN. Her leadership has also enabled a significant improvement in meeting the statutory time scales.
During her time in Enfield, Clara was a school improvement advisor to primary, secondary and special schools supporting schools to meet the new requirements of the Ofsted Inspection regime and implementing the new National Curriculum. She has also worked with schools to raise standards across the key stages, providing Enfield with its best set of results in 2019.
Clara looks forward to further developing the role of the Consortium and regional working across South Central Wales.