Diane Greaves
Throughout her educational career Diane has had a relentless, strong passion for the support of children and young people in their academic and personal attainment and achievements.
She is an accomplished and experienced leader and senior manager with a broad range of core capabilities developed as a: former LA school improvement adviser across all phases of education, special schools and pupil referral units, former Ofsted inspector, LA senior manager strategic partnerships and LA senior manager commissioning and quality assurance, performance management consultant, co- author of a successful management book, and is a Prince 2 project manager. Diane has an excellent range of knowledge and understanding across schools, local authorities, statutory and non-statutory partners. Diane has a successful record of funding proposals and has been at the forefront of leading-edge innovations which have been embedded into organisations and in many cases acquired national awards. This included Beacon Council status for Health in her Local Authority.
Diane spent time with counterpart colleagues as a Local Authority Adviser at the Illinois State Board of Education in USA. As a Director, of a school improvement company working with colleagues, she supported the establishment, conversion and development of Multi – Academy Trusts. Worked in leadership and management support including coaching and mentoring, development of governance at all levels, quality assurance of key programmes, school improvement, recruitment and building and sustaining networks and partnerships.
Diane was at the start in establishing the Association of Education Advisers AoEA and is an assessor of the Associate accreditation, she oversees the membership and communications of the “AoEA Community” and supporting partner organisations. Diane also works with AoEA colleagues and Associates on new developments.