Ruth Mayes
Ruth has 20 years’ experience as a senior leader with 15 years as Headteacher of a successful secondary school in North Yorkshire and then Executive Headteacher following the federation of the school and its associated primary school. She led significant change programmes including the bid for funding, design and build of the all-through campus; the development of the joint governing body and the restructuring of staff to provide a campus level leadership and business team. Under her leadership cross-campus teaching and learning was developed to maximise the opportunities for children of all ages. Ruth developed a deep understanding of the educational, financial and wider business aspects of running a complex institution. Ruth was an active member of LA development groups and was a Trustee for Schools North East.
As Chair of the local School Leaders’ Improvement Partnership Ruth liaised with Les Walton to establish support for the schools from Northern Education Associates. On her move to advisory work in autumn 2015, she was invited to become a School Improvement Partner for two NEA schools. She was one of the pilot group to complete the AoEA accreditation in 2016. and became a member of the AoEA Development Group in January 2017.
Ruth works with colleagues to embed the Associate accreditation, participates in all aspects of the accreditation process and, since the move to online delivery, supported the expansion to the wider UK and overseas candidates. She has contributed to the development of the AoEA website and branding to reflect its current range of accreditation, training and events. Ruth regularly delivers the governance element of the Associate seminar and chairs the fortnightly EduKIT meetings. She continues to work as a SIP and coach.