Coaching 2: Applied Coaching for Advisers and Leaders


This session will build on your AoEA Level 1 Coaching knowledge by learning about and applying different approaches. There will be a plethora of new and different ideas, challenges, and case studies to stimulate debate and enhance your learning and the practical sessions.   As well as goal setting, tuning in, and contracting, we will consider: chemistry; […]


Working in Concert with the School’s Leadership Team


This module will focus on how role of the advisor interacts with that of the Senior Leadership Team and is influenced by the context and drivers for that work. It will explore how advisers can analyse how SLT functions and consider implications for improvement journey. It will further explore the significance of agreed and co […]


Book Launch – Advising on School Improvement


We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Advising on School Improvement, the second book in The Education Adviser series by the Association of Education Advisers (AoEA). This event is your chance to dive into the latest insights on school improvement with the book’s authors and contributors. Event Details: Date: Tuesday, 3 December 2024 Time: 4:00 […]

Briefing Session: International Quality Standard for Education Advisers

Microsoft Teams

Interested in enhancing the quality of education advice? Learn more about the benefits of our International Quality Standard for Education Advisers.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER The Association of Education Advisers (AoEA) has been established to help ensure quality and consistency in the advice given by school and college improvement advisers working in the education system. […]

EduKIT: Effective Parental Engagement


Effective parental engagement: Ginny will discuss the ways in which schools and other agencies can successfully engage parents of children with SEND. She will explore an empathy-based approach to supporting parents through what can be very difficult and emotional times, considering the role of the SENDCo, senior leaders and outside agencies. This EduKIT will give […]


EduKIT: ‘Where is my Car?’ A Personal Guide to Mental Health Support for School Professionals


During lockdown Jason Arbuckle, Shared Education and Sectoral Support Officer, was redeployed from Shared Education to support staff more widely in school improvement. During his phone and online discussions, he discovered that many school leaders were feeling more and more isolated and showing signs of stress. As someone who had struggled with his mental health […]

Assessing the Context for Organisational Improvement


Most of us will have come across highly successful organisations or departments where there is a keen sense of commitment to working with colleagues to achieve high outcomes. Many of us will also have come across organisations where there is a vagueness about the roles and objectives and low levels of structure and commitment. How […]

Coaching 4: ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’ (Peter Drucker)


This half-day course is for those wishing to develop a coaching approach to their work. It is suitable for those with a leadership role in schools, advisory services, local authorities, Multi-Academy Trusts or with an HR function in a related industry. Building on the introductory course offered earlier in the year, this session will consider […]

How to Review, Evaluate and Support the Effectiveness of Governance


Many of the difficulties faced by schools and trusts can be attributed to poor or weak governance. In recent times, a small number of multi academy trusts have come to notice following governance failures to properly hold to account poor leadership and management. Many local authority schools are under pressure due to poor academic and […]

Coaching 5: Introducing a Coaching System


This final session will look at learning to date; best practice locally and nationally; your responses to specified learning, reading and practice; and seek to simplify the task of introducing a coaching and change management system. RSVP below! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

EduKIT: Meeting the Needs of Children with SEND: How Do We Ensure Quality, Consistency and Affordability?


Jo Laidlaw is Service Manager for Wakefield Inclusion Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Support Services (WISENDSS). She has vast senior leadership experience including her work as a Specialist Leader in SEND for the National Programme for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities/Alternative Provision (AP) and as a Local Government Association Peer reviewer. Jo brings her experience […]