Phil Keay


England – North East

Phase of Education

Early Years, Primary, Secondary

Key Area of Mastery

Change Management, Critical Evaluation of Behaviour & Attitudes, Critical Evaluation of Curricular Provision, Critical Evaluation of Leadership and Management, Critical Evaluation of Pastoral Provision, Organisational Development, Quality Systems
About Phil Keay

Since concluding ten years of headship in two schools, I now offer an advisory and support service for schools. I have worked with well over twenty schools/academies and currently work with twelve across seven North East LA areas in primary, secondary, special and AP sectors. My work is broadly in across three areas:
• Improvement Partner – providing professional challenge and support to the school, helping its leadership to evaluate performance, identify priorities for improvement, and plan effective change. I act as a critical friend and strategic guide to headteachers, principals and CEOs.
• Leadership Training – bespoke leadership training designed to meet needs of senior leaders, middle leaders, aspiring leaders and governors that might be a one-off or a series over an academic year.
• Leadership Coaching for Impact – individual coaching for headteachers, senior and middle leaders and business managers. I have coached around 50 leaders to date.

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More Associates

Gillian Tawse

Dave Cookson

Sharon Beattie