- +44 (0)191 820 3114
- info@aoea.co.uk
Applicants who wish to develop high level skills and knowledge of how to support organisations when managing change. The programme will be particularly useful for those considering accreditation for the Senior Associate level of the AoEA as well of those working at Associate level who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in the area of change management What is the problem we are trying to solve?
The education system is complex and constantly changing. Change ranges from low-disturbance and incremental to high disturbance and radical, from local change to that imposed from national initiatives. System level change requires an enhanced skill level on the part of the adviser. Organisations at all levels in the education system may get into difficulty, which may lead to negative publicity, be very costly to put right and, most importantly, have a negative impact on the future of their students and staff. It is, therefore, important that advisers support organisations to take hold of the change agenda.
What is change management?
Change management is a way of bringing a proactive and reactive approach to organisational change. It addresses the problems and opportunities that change brings and improves the individual and organisational capacity to cope continuously with the drivers that promote change.
Course Leaders – Ray Steele and Dr Tony Birch
Dr Tony Birch is an experienced adviser having held senior roles in a North-West Local Authority for more than twenty years before subsequently founding his own consultancy company (Birch Education Ltd). He is a Senior Associate of the Association of Education Advisers and sits on the Development Team.
Ray Steele has advised on supporting school performance as a SIP, changing school governance to Foundation and Academy status, managing school closure, organising Principal and CEO appointment processes. He has written new school proposals and lead on project management to implement. Recently he has worked on proposals to establish Multi Academy Trusts, merge Multi Academy Trusts (including due diligence) and the review of MAT governance.
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