Since concluding ten years of headship in two schools, I now offer an advisory and support service for schools. I have worked with well over twenty schools/academies and currently work with twelve across seven North East LA areas in primary, secondary, special and AP sectors. My work is broadly in across three areas:
• Improvement Partner – providing professional challenge and support to the school, helping its leadership to evaluate performance, identify priorities for improvement, and plan effective change. I act as a critical friend and strategic guide to headteachers, principals and CEOs.
• Leadership Training – bespoke leadership training designed to meet needs of senior leaders, middle leaders, aspiring leaders and governors that might be a one-off or a series over an academic year.
• Leadership Coaching for Impact – individual coaching for headteachers, senior and middle leaders and business managers. I have coached around 50 leaders to date.
- +44 (0)191 820 3114